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Driscoll-Report  -5-

                                     Astoria, Washington.
     Mr. Colston, the man who keeps the fish-market, says he does not handle halibut to any extent; what he gets is shipped from Portland.  The catch landed by the "Decorah" was bought by Hegan, who is said to have lost on the deal, since there is little demand for them here.  The fishermen know very little concerning halibut --- the principal fish is salmon.
     The run of salmon this year was small, averaging eight tons to the boat; the price paid at the cannery is six cents for fish under 25 lbs., seven and one-half cents for those over that weight.
     The cannery owns most of the boats, which fish only during the tide and at that time work day and night.  The men receive 60% of the catch, but they are required to sell to the cannery.