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H.D. -2-

And now may I ask one favor of you? If you get the chance, will you cut open some of the intestines of halibut, all the way down, and look for tape-worms? We never looked far enough down. Don't go to too much trouble - but if you make a trip, before the offal is cast over the side it might be possible to slit a few open. I am sending you a bottle with alcohol in a mailing-tube, in which to put the tape-worm if you find any; 2 or 3 worms will be sufficient.

Yes, I am glad to hear about the "Progress". If you can get a couple of blue-prints, so much the better. Tell Mr. Heath that I promise not to let the Bureau make use of them. I shall keep them in my possession until, and even when, I am in Washington. I don't know just when I'm going East, but it will be in December. When I get to the Bureau, I shall put the whole proposition up to them in the strongest kind of way.

Did you get everything straightened up with Carroll?

The Captain, Rankin and I send our best regards, and here's to luck, once more.
