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#512 Twenty-second Ave. South,
Seattle, Wash.  Jan. 31, 1914.

Mr. Waldo L. Schmitt, 
U. S. S. Albatross
Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal.

Dear sir;--

I have your favor of the 19th inst. and in reply would state that my experience in Halibut Fishing dates from 1888 to the present time. Eighteen years of which I was engaged on the Atlantic Coast, and during the past seven years I have fished all around Alaska, last Season being as far North as Prince William Sound where we found plenty of fish. 

I know the Halibut Fishing business thoroughly but would state that I am not familiar with the Oregon Coast as I have never done any fishing in these waters. 

Regarding salary would state that I would want One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per Month and a month's notice would give me plenty of time to get ready to leave. In regards to the Four halibut fishermen I believe that I could furnish these at $60.00 per month. 

Hoping that you will give this letter due consideration and to hear favorably from you at your earliest convenience, I am, 

Yours truly, 

[[signature]] Edward Driscoll [[/signature]]