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[[circled page number]] 87 [[/circled page number]]
6:42 Different area. Relatively large patch second growth wood. [[left margin in red]] 45 [[/left margin in red]] Hear one [[underlined]] rufinucha [[/underlined]] Whistle song. Then a few more. Distant.  Bird obviously not very strongly motivated.  Nothing else audible at the time - except hummingbirds.
Everything except hummingbirds dead quiet 7:07 am.
[[left margin in red]] Cy? 46 [[/left margin in red]] 
7:12 Catch glimpse Diglossa, [[red checkmark over name]] with [[underlined]] Tiaris, [[/underlined]] edge scrub.  Both birds silent. Unfortunately Diglossa seen only in silhouette.  Probably Cy. 3-4 ft up in bushes.
[[left margin in red]] Scan [[/left margin in red]] 7:35. Down by finca itself. Come across Scan (identification quite certain - get good view of purple cheek patch and purple on stomach). In full "chuck" song.
[[left margin in red]] Gen [[/left margin in red]] 
If Scans are common here, this would help to explain why Diglossas are rare.
[[left margin in red]] Scan [[/left margin in red]] 
Now I can hear several Scans in neighborhood.  Scans apparently in breeding condition now.
Nearby, I see some tubular red flowers with Diglossa-type holes in them. 
[[left margin in red]] 47 Cy Scan [[/left margin in red]] Quite [[underlined]] small [[/underlined]] holes.  Then I see a Cy in "hedge"-like scrub 20ft away. Silent. Apparently alone. There are Scans around the neighborhood at the time, but none very close to the Cy.  Apparently Cy and Scans ignore one another.  Cy disappears almost immediately.
[[left margin in red]] Cy Scan [[/left margin in red]] 
Cy back again a couple of times.  Same place.  Again no reaction with Scans. Cy never stays long.
[[left margin in red]] Scan [[/left margin in red]]
See single [[female symbol]] [[underlined]] Tiaris [[/underlined]] perched on branch only a couple of feet from Scan uttering "chuk" Song. Scan doesn't seem to mind at all. I.E. the Scans around here certainly don't attack all small species.
[[left margin in red]] Cy [[/left margin in red]] Then I hear what may be a couple of Cy songs in distance Long twitters.  Can't tell if they have intro notes or not.  I [[underlined]] think [[/underlined]] that th