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Central Cordillera Colombia
Aug. 1, 2, 17
Purace - Town Side & Top
August 1965

[[underlined]] No. Inds. Seen Alone [[/underlined]]
[[image: in the first row two groups of five in red, red left angle, one group of five in red, one group of three in red and black left angle, in the second row two groups of five in red representing a count of 28]]
[[in red]] [[circled]] 28 [[/circled]] [[/in red]]

[[underlined]] No. Inds. in Flocks [[/underlined]]
[[image: 10 groups of five in green and red left angle, and two groups of five in green and three individual in green and black left angle representing a count of 63]]
[[in green]] [[circled]] 63 [[/circled]] [[/in green]]

[[in purple]] [[circled]] 71 [[/circled]] [[/in purple]]


[[in red]] Probably composite [[/in red]]

[[underlined]] No. Flocks Seen [[/underlined]]
[[image: a group of four in purple, red left angle, one / in purple and one individual in purple, black left angle, representing a count of 6]]
[[in purple]] [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] [[/in purple]]

[[underlined]] No. H.O. Flocks Seen [[/underlined]]
[[image: a group of four in purple, red left angle, one / in purple and one individual in purple, black left angle, representing a count of 6]]

[[in purple]] [[circled]] 6 [[/circled]] [[/in purple]]

[[underlined]] Largest no. Inds. 1 Flock [[/underlined]]
[[in green]]22,[[/ in green]]

[[underlined]] No. Spp. per Flock [[/underlined]]
[[in green]]
11 [[red left angle]]
[[/in green]]
[[horizontal line in black]]