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[[circled]] 23 [[/circled]]

[[left margin in red]] Albi [[/left margin]] 

detach berries from stem And never tries to "spear" them. Then hops off thru vine. Almost bumps into a perched hummingbird I. Apparently inadvertently Hummer just looks, but the Albi flies off at great speed. Apparently scared.

Leaving 12:50 pm. 

I. There were two aspects of the social behavior of the birds this morning which rather surprised me.

One was the fact that the [[underlined]] nigrocristatus [[/underlined]] were not nuclear. [[blue]] 1 [[/blue]] Some of them were avoiding other species most of the time, and also did not seem to be attracting other species. Even the birds that did join flocks and attract other species did so only once, and not for very long.

The other thing was the role of WM Atlapetes in mixed flocks. They were more important and conspicuous than I remembered them in 1962. But the flocks which they led today were not long-sustained.

April 10, 1965
Pico de Espejo

Working above Telferico #1, same place yesterday. Arrive 7:20 am

[[left margin in red]] 51 [[/left margin]]

See pair WM [[2 red, 2 pencil, 2 blue checkmarkss]] [[circled in blue]] 58 [[/circled]] Atlapetes, low in scrub. Alone. Uttering soft R's as "Greetings." Then they go up into small tree. Fall silent. Then 

[[left margin in red]] Cy 52 [[/left margin]]

they fly off. About 2 minutes later, a single Cy, [[1 red, 1 pencil, 1 blue checkmark]] [[circled in blue]] 59 [[/circled]] appears. Follows WM route thru scrub and small tree. Silent and alone. But then if flies off