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[[preprinted]] GOUCHER COLLEGE Baltimore, Maryland  [[/preprinted]]

October 25, 1924

Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt,
U.S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.

Dr. Dr. Schmitt:

Your letter of the 17th was duly received, but acknowledgement delayed for the usual reason.

I was very much pleased to know that Dr. Boschma has expressed a desire to go to Tortugas next summer, and that such substantial progress toward gratifying the wish has been made.

There is no doubt, I believe, that the Laboratory will be opened for another three-month season.  I am hoping very earnestly that you and Taylor and I can make a joint investigation of the feeding habits of a number of species of a single genus, say Haemulon.  I believe the results would be interesting.  You and I could do that alone as a matter of fact, since the algae play a minor, and perhaps only an accidental role as food for them.

If I can say a word at the proper time, I shall be glad to do it in Dr. Boschma's interest, although I think it will scarcely require it.

With best wishes, 
Sincerely yours,
^[[W.H. Longley]]

Transcription Notes:
The TC have instructed handwriting in typed pages to be transcribed as ^[[text]]. Hope this helps. -@siobhanleachman