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September 23, 1924.

Prof. W. H. Longley, 
Goucher College,
Baltimore, Md.

My dear Dr. Longley:-

With this I hand you the few words I have put together regarding my time at Tortugas.  It has been more of a task to compose this, I fear, insufficient bit than I anticipate the final report on the material I brought back will be.

Do not hesitate to slash, amend, or suggest for that is why I send it to you first.  I am more than willing to try again, and meet with any suggestion you may offer.

We have about finished sorting all the material, and on looking it over I find I did not realize I had so much.  For that reason I have not been able to check over any identifications in anticipation of this preliminary report.  And further, I have promised to mail it to Mr. Gilbert not later than Friday evening.

Early next week I hope to be able to get down to brass tacks with the systematics of the collection.

With my best regards to you and pleasant memories of our Tortugas days, 

Sincerely,  ^[[WS]]

^[[I added Meyer note 1915 (No 14 [[underlined]] year book [[/underlined]]) p. 185 to Dr. Smyley's letter.]]