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[[preprinted]] GOUCHER COLLEGE
Baltimore, Maryland [[/preprinted]]

April 23, 1924

Mr. W. L. Schmitt,
U. S. National Museum,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Mr. Schmitt:

I am very glad to know that the last six weeks of the season will be those you prefer to spend at Tortugas.

When Mr. Gilbert talked over the arrangements for the summer with me, we did not agree that men should be invited to go between particular dates, but did lay out a scheme which seemed to be well adjusted to their needs, as far as we understood them.  In that scheme we assigned you exactly those weeks you have chosen, so all is working smoothly to assure best distribution of men, and highest quality of service obtainable from equipment and crew.

Regarding the other points you mention, I should say that you [[underline]] must [[/underline]] bring your own microscope; there are none at the laboratory.  I think it will probably be for the best also to take your standard collecting bottle chest, and perhaps your alcohol as well.  You will then know positively that you have your feet on the ground.

Don't hesitate to propound other questions, as they are bound to crop up in the course of your preparations.

With best wishes, I remain,

Sincerely yours,
^[[W. H. Longley]]

Transcription Notes:
The TC have instructed volunpeers to use the markup ^[[text]] where there is handwritten text in typed pages, so have edited to reflect this. -@siobhanleachman