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April 21, 1924.

Mr. W. de C. Ravenel,
Administrative Assistant
to the Secretary.

My dear Mr. Ravenel:

I have been offered the opportunity of studying the crustacea of the Tortugas region, by the Carnegie Institution, and should like to spend about six weeks at the Laboratory there, from July 15 to August 25.  This would necessitate leaving Washington not later than July 12, returning September 2, a matter of about eight weeks (53 days in all).

Will you not be so kind as to grant me the necessary two months leave for "detached service," or give me the necessary detail or orders, as the case may be to enable me to undertake this bit of research.  The Museum would be put to no expense, other than for my salary during the interval, and would benefit to the extent of the collections I shall make in connection with my studies.

I shall, of course, leave the work of the Division in such shape and so cared for that there will be no interference with its proper functioning.  Mr. Shoemaker will act in my stead during my absence.


Through Dr. L. Stejneger,
Head Curator of Biology.