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WASHINGTON, D.C. [[/preprinted]]

April 18, 1924

Dr. W. L. Schmitt
U. S. National Museum
Washington, D. C.

My dear Dr. Schmitt

I am glad to advise you that at a recent meeting of theExecutive Committee of the Institution a definite plan, recommended by President Merriam for operation of the Tortugas Laboratory during the coming summer, was submitted and approved.  This plan contemplates the operation of the Laboratory during the months of June, July, and August, 1924, and provides for the appointment of ten investigators, and for the designation of Dr. W. H. Longley to assume administrative responsibility during the season at Tortugas.

In accordance with such approval, it is a pleasure to notify you of your appointment, based upon your application for work at Tortugas this summer.  The accompanying announcement will provide information relative to the plan which has been adopted, under which it is hoped that opportunity may be offered for the effective prosecution of your proposed investigations.  We shall be glad to learn at your convenience of the time when you expect to reach Key West.  Payment of expense accounts will be made directly from this office upon submission of customary vouchers or, if it is especially desirable, funds may be advanced to cover initial expenditures for purposes of travel.

Sincerely yours
^[[Walter M Gilbert]]
Administrative Secretary