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WASHINGTON, D. C. [[/preprinted]]

March 25, 1924.

Dr. W. L. Schmitt,
U. S. National Museum,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Dr. Schmitt:

President Merriam asks me to state that tentative plans relative to the operation of the Tortugas Laboratory during the summer of 1924 are being prepared.  He is hoping that at the next meeting of our Executive Committee, which is scheduled to take place early in April, definite authorization with allotment of necessary funds may be obtained for the maintenance of the Laboratory during the months of June, July, and August.

While it is impossible, therefore, at this time to issue official announcement on this subject, it may prove of convenience for you to know that present plans include provision for your accommodation at the Laboratory, in accordance with your recent applicati on.  As soon as our Executive Committee has acted and a method of procedure has been approved we will provide definite word to those concerned, together with a complete statement of plans, including dates of sailing of the "Anton Dohrn" from Key West.

Sincerely yours,
^[[Walter M. Gilbert]]
Administrative Secretary.

Transcription Notes:
The TC has instructed volunpeers to use the ^[[text]] markup where there is handwritten text in typed pages. Have therefore edited to reflect this. -@siobhanleachman.