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field notes and observations as could be made.  The ^[[latter]] is a phase of the study of crustacea in which almost everything yet remains to be done.

I [[strikethrough]] my position [[/strikethrough]] am so situated here at the museum that I could spend any four or six [[strikethrough]] consec [[/strikethrough]] consecutive weeks at the Laboratory during the time that it might be open, and so could go either early or late in the season as might be preferable in view of such other applications as you may receive.  The studies [[strikethrough]] I desire [[/strikethrough]]  I desire to [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] undertake would require no [[strikethrough]] other [[/strikethrough]] apparatus or equipment other than [[strikethrough]] is now at [[/strikethrough]] the laboratory now possesses, or could be obtained from the National Museum.

I believe in the past that your Institution has to a certain extent contributed somewhat toward the expenses of approved investigators; [[strikethrough]] if so I earnestly request to be [[/strikethrough]]