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[[preprinted]] GOUCHER COLLEGE
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND [[/preprinted]]

February 8, 1925

Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt,
U.S National Museum,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Dr. Schmitt:

I thank you for your letter and enclosures, which I received yesterday.

It is my impression that your proposed letter to Dr. Stejneger is too long, and that all direct attempt to justify your request should be omitted.

My advice would be to say simply that the work you began at Tortugas last summer stands in close relation to mine.  That I am at present in administrative charge of the laboratory, and that it was at my suggestion that you first made application for the use of its facilities.  [[underline]] This makes me more effective as a petitioner in your behalf. [[/underline]]

Add that I am anxious to have you return this summer to collaborate with me in investigating the feeding habits of fishes whose other activities I have already sstudied.  State then that although you hesitate to ask for additional leave, you have written to Dr. Merriam informing him of the facts and requesting that while your application is pending at the Museum you be considered a possible member of the group selected to work at Tortugas this year.  Note that his reply is enclosed or appended.

A word about spending time at the Museum in July, and the condition in which you can leave the affairs of the Division is all else that is needed.  Leave out details; [[underline]] get it off, [[/underline]] and let me know result as soon as possible, so that I may communicate with Dr. Taylor.

Cordially yours,
[[signed W.H. Longley]]