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Office of the President.

January 28, 1925.

Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt,
U. S. National Museum,
Washington, D. C.

My dear Dr. Schmitt:

I have read your letter of January 27, with much interest and am glad to learn of the opportunity which has come to you for study in South America under the Baron Scholarship. I trust, however, that it may be possible for you to make arrangements to visit the Tortugas laboratory again in company with Dr. Longley during the coming summer in the month of June before you leave for South America.

We are desirous of having this Laboratory used effectively in the interests of investigations which may be undertaken most advantageously at that location, and I am particularly interested in some of the ecological problems upon which Dr. Longley has already worked.

With best wishes, I am
Very sincerely yours,
S/d John C. Merriam.