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[[preprinted]] GOUCHER COLLEGE
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND [[/preprinted]]

January 24, 1925

Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt,
U.S. National Museum,
Washington, D.C.

My dear Dr. Schmitt:

I am glad to have the draft of your letter to President Merriam.  My criticism is that although it states the facts, it gives him no chance to reply in such terms that Dr. Steijneger might be influenced to reconsider his decision in the matter of your leave for June.

If I might make a suggestion, I should propose that instead of the last two paragraphs something like the following should be inserted:

[[italicized]] Under the circumstances I hesitate to make formal application for the privilege of working at the Laboratory during the month of June next, because absence from the Museum beyond that permitted in connection with the Purdy Bacon award may be denied me.  If, however, I might be considered for a brief space as an applicant, I should appreciate it, and shall inform you at the earliest possible moment, whether my leave for that month will be granted. [[/italicized]]

You need have no fear whatever that such a statement will be misunderstood, or the President Merriam will be left I an embarrassing position.  If you will send this in promptly, your answer will follow at once.  It will then be in order to approach Dr. S., presenting Dr. Merriam's letter at the same time.  Much may depend on getting this thing through.

Cordially your,
[[signed W.H. Longley]]