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[[preprinted]] April, THURSDAY, 12. 1860. [[/preprinted]]

Commander of the Dundee

Perry Left with Terror 14 June 1836

Jens Munk a Dane 1619 wintered Cumberland Inlet

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, 13. [[/preprinted]]

of 64 sunk but 3 survived - arriving by vessel in 1620

[[line across page]]

Jens in 1631 on the 22 [[strikethrough]] Sept [[/strikethrough]] reached 66°17' where he beheld the land track to the N.E. 

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, 14. [[/preprinted]]

which he named "Foxe his furthest".
     He now began to retrace his steps seeing that there was no prospect of a passage NW in this direction & it was [[strikethrough]] thought & it was [[/strikethrough]] thought too late in the season to attempt to reach Port Nelson
Astor Lib. Shillingham [[encircled]] 120 [[/encircled]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] April, SUNDAY, 15. 1860. [[/preprinted]]

Capt. Back corrected in Longitude by Simpson - Montreal Island
Simpson Long 96 24-45
Back's Long  95-18-15
   error 25 Geo. Miles

[[preprinted]] MONDAY, 16. [[/preprinted]]

Says Simpson
     The objects seen on this (King William) Coast are easily enumerated.  A Limestone country, low & uninteresting but abounding in [[strikethrough]] deer [[/strikethrough]] rein-deer:  Much litter & old native encampments
[[encircled]] 379 [[/encircled]]

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, 17. [[/preprinted]]
