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[[preprinted]] MEMORANDA. [[/preprinted]]
My course will be through Forbishers Strait to Fox Channel thence Northward on the east side of said Channel to Hecla & Fury Strait & thence westward to Boothia - or if Gulf of Boothia be [[strikethrough]] filled with [[/strikethrough]] ^[[obstructed approach [[?]] Strait]] ice shall push Northward on the East side of Gulf of Boothia till come to an opening westward - if none be found till we get on a [[strikethrough]] Parallell Parall [[/strikethrough]] Paralel with Bellot Strait shall push for Bellot Strait thence across to Pell Strait thence south to [[?Neitchalle]].
[[Two columns) From [[strikethrough]] Mouth [[/strikethrough]] West entrance
of Hudson Strait to Fox furtherest | (miles)
| 180
Thence to H & F Strait | 120
East End H & F Strait to Gulf Boothia | 4 x 20 =                          80 [[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] 120 [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
|   360
Across Boothia Gulf | [[underlined]] 120 [[/underlined]
| 480.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] MEMORANDA. [[/preprinted]]

Victoria Harbor across  }            (Miles)
Boothia Gulf through    }              200
Hecla & Fury Strait     }
Thence to
Fox fartherest                         180
to Hudson Strait                       120
Miles -                                500

20 miles per day will take only - 25 days