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[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT - July.
Date. | Rec'd. | Paid. [[/preprinted]]

But to our further enquirys about Neitchille the only answer we could get was that there was a large river with plenty of fish. [[encircled]] 180 [[/encircled]]

Jan 23, 1830  We had another visit of men and boys.  One of the former was from Neitchille and had Indian rather than Esq  features.  This place to the S.W. they estimated 9 days journey of a sledge We supposed it might be a hundred and 50 miles. [[encircled]] 178 [[/encircled]]
My Ross

They (the Esq) had already furnished us with some dresses much more useful to the men than those wh. we had brot from Eng. & we had reason to expect more.  [[encircled]] 182 [[/encircled]]

It was probable also they might supply us with fresh meat thus enabling us to economise our own stores [[encircled]] 182 [[/encircled]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT - August.
Date. | Rec'd. | Paid. [[/preprinted]]

Who Can 
[[line across page]]
2 ozs. Boneset ([[?thourough]] root)
1 qt of water & boil down to 1 pt then [[strikeout]] then [[strikeout]] strain it off & put 1 pt. molasses & boil to 1 pt.
[[line across page]]

Thus Kite 

Wm. Hooper

Erasmus [[?Gest]]