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Sat. Feb. 19th 1860
To-day had an interview with Mayor Harris - x x x x x x x x
Called at the office of Williams & Haven - also on ^[[Capt.]] Benj. J. Brown.  Capt. Brown is really a [[underline]] noble-man. [[/underline]] Warm & encouraging [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in all his expressions to me.  I shall ever cherish his ^[[memory]].  The Capt. proffered me passage in his ship that is soon to sail for "Cumberland Inlet."  But may be I shall ^[[yet]] accept this favor.  We will see what we shall see".
I am bound for the Arctic Regions, if Fortune does not smile as I court it, then let her smile [[underlined]] as she will - I'll make the best of it. [[/underlined]]
Had an "Esquimaux shade" for the eyes made from a patern in the hands of Capt. Brown.
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Sunday Feb 20/60  Yesterday a storm raged - The elements, rather should I say, played fantastically.  A shower of snow fell but Boreas done his work in a very [[underlined]] fair [[/underlined]] manner; he was impartial, giving a ^[[very cold]] mass to every cheek of the Fair - & [[underlined]] unfair [[/underlined]] that ventured out.  I believe it sacrilidge to say the Elements war.
The Elements never frown - they are always smiling, dancing or happy.  The fire warms- glows -  If you stick your finger into ^[[it]] it may burn -  If you put that finger to the ice, it may freeze it.  [[underlined]] You are at fault, [[/underlined]] not the [[underlined]] fire[[/underlined]], or the [[underlined]] ice. [[/underlined]] Learn the ways of God - His doing - Be wise, & all will go well with men.  The Elements never war.  As the snow came driving into my face - into my clothes - down into my bosom, I said, how beautiful you are.  Thou [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] work created by the same hand that made stars.  World Systems!  The same Power doth rule thee now that ruleth the Heavens.  God be praised.  The Elements are always at Peace.  I love thee, snow, air.  If air doth ^[[not]] make me a winding sheet of snow, & I sleep the long sleep, God grant the awakening may be in His White Mansion above.'
Capt. Tyson called in this eve.  He was one of the 12 who wintered in Northumberland Inlet.  How heroic was he & ^[[were]] his companions!  The design was to determine whether spring-Whaling there was practicable.