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20 Feb 1860 - in Sterry's Shop
Wm. R. Sterry, Groton, Ct. 5 miles from New London, Ct. 
45 years of age 13 Mar 1860 - Been on 4 voyages to the Arctic Regions - Spent three Winters in Northumberland Inlet
How long [[strikethrough]] a time [[/strikethrough]] did you (Sterry) at any one time remain with the Esquimaux? 
Ans - Two months in the spring of 1855. - 30 miles from the vessel - ^[[with]] three families consisting of about 20 individuals - three to 4 huts.
Esquimaux are great travellers - think nothing of travelling with their dogs & sledges 300 & 400 miles.  Capt. Quayles travelled by means of dogs 60 miles in 12 hours.  Capt. Buddington went up to a point 60 miles 1 Day & back the next.  Sterry can talk Esquimaux.  Aug first 1855 went deer hunting with the Esquimaux living with them - adopting their habits - sleeping with them &c. &c.  Oguke ^[[(Ooggovy)]] the name of the Large Seal [[underlined]] Phoca Barbata [[/underlined]] - by this term Oguke 
Mr. Sterry designated the skin ^[[things]] wh I got of him.  Of this the natives make soles for boots & shoes.
The sledge used by Sterry & the natives in making their journey to the hunting was 12 feet long 9 inches high & the runners made of planks 4 inches thick