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History - A member of this House is now absent in Phila. I will here record his name, as he was very attentive in introducing me to all his friends to wit - Arctic Charts & Books - before leaving = [[underline]] Richard H. Chapell [[underline]]. He has been devoted to everything pertaining to Arctic Discoverings [[?best guess]] for several years. I may well stop to consider whether [[underline]] he [[underline]] or [[underline]] I [[underline]] should be called the greater enthusiast! I greet him as a brother in the pursuit of the same noble object. Mr. Hauorus [[?best guess]] has extended to me freedom of the accommodations of any of their vessels [[?best guess]] in going to the North the Coming Spring. I may yet accept the gracious invitation. But [[underline]] I hope & trust [[underline]] the proposed Expedition to [[illegible crosscut]] King Williams Land will be a success. Mr. Haurous [[?best guess]] in the name of his firm has proposed in writing the sale to me of the brig Amoret - formerly the 'Rescue' for $2000 - to have till the 8th Mar. to determine whether I will take her. For any other purpose than that I wish he [[?best guess]] would not dispose of it [[strikeout]] her [[strikeout]] for 2000 Gold Dollars! A party never wishes this vessel as a tender to a Large Whale Vessel. (see 2d page 32 forward)
Tho Merking - 
New London
Ct [[this name and address in different hand, written vertically right side of page]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
I herewith embrace the opportunity, in the office of Perkins & Smith to make [[underline]] thru [[underline]] Copy of journal on Log of the Brig "Amaret" 91 tons of New London Henry N Whipple, Master, 1855 Northumberland Inlet.
"Remarks - Thursday, June 14 - This day hazing [[?best guess]] with it & still snowing first & middle & latter part. Light Easterly winds fair sort of weather the people to worke at several jobs about the vessel. & I will here notice that the native family that resided here all winter & [[strikethrough]] more [[strikethrough]] moved off at a distance [[strikethrough]] some time last winter [[strikethrough]] some time back but last evening the two daughters with a little boy returned to the hut & a certain person stopt with them the night & with two of the fore-mast hands. [[underline]] & this is not right [[underline]] in the sight of God or Man. & this is against my will & wishes - & I am persolinly [[?best guess]] intrulent [[?best guess]]." (see 3d page 33 from this (succeeding)
31 [[written vertically, bottom right]]