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N.Y. City. Thursday 23 Feb 1860 }
Last night - the whole of it - sat up waiting for the steamer for N.Y. - Storm of rain prevailing the vessel did not come in till Morning.  It is well I did sit up, for many devils could not have made night more hideous than did the many of the young men(?) who celebrated(?) Washington's Birthday by a Grand(?) Ball at the "Metropolitan."  The ladies of New London, of course, ^[[are]] charming creatures, but oft times beauty & goodness are discarded by the [[?boon]] of strong drink.  Let the curtain drop. XXXX  8 o'clock A.M. 23d (to-day) the "Connecticut" came into Port.  By the kindness of Mr. Smith, the efficient Agent of Norwich & Worcester Line, residing at New London, I was ticketed through to this city.  There is good feeling among all whom I approach for the proposed Exhibition.  Arrived N.Y. 4 o'clock P.M. New London, Ct. hath a warm place in my heart.  I can never forget the 8 days spent there between 14th & 22d of Feb.
This morning, I spent at Mr. Grinnell's.  He received me kindly.  He was much interested in my report - especially
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[[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] that portion with testimony of the admiral fitness of Capt. John J. Quayle to take command of the proposed Expedition.  Mr. G. appointed 4 1/2 o'clock of tomorrow ^[[to accompany me]] to visit the Library Rooms of the Geographical - Statistical Society.  Mr. G. invited me to make free use of his library - Charts & Books - as often as I found it convenient or desirable.  I think Mr. G. a man doing much good.  I [[underlined]] know he has done many noble deeds that ever [[?redown]] to this Nation's Glory. [[/underlined]]
N.Y. 24 Feb Friday 1860
Called on Albert W. Hyde & Co Agts, W. K. Lewis & [[?Bens]] of Boston who put Hermetrical Sealed meats, fish, vegetables, &c. &c. - Offered me any number of samples to test.  Carried a can of "Roast Beef" up to Mr. Grinnell to make trial.  Called also on Mr. Kitchen  - offered to do anything in his power for me.  He is another of Nations Noble sons.
From 11 oclk AM to 4 sent my time at "Gowan's" - 81, 83 & 85 Center st.  He has gigantic stores of Old & Rare works - 
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Sir J. Ross's Narration of 2d voyage is there price $4.00 ^[[40]] no appendix with it.
(4th Continued -over-)