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Mar. Tuesday 13th/60
Another lesson in Navigation -
My mind is ^[[made up]] to accept the invitation or Mr. Williams & Haven to ^[[take]] conveyance in their Whale ship "George Henry" to Northumberland Inlet.  Shall so signify to them in two or 3 days
[[line across page]]
Mar Wednes 14/16
In the latter part of this Book ^[[I have]] drawn up my course for the next year or more - Read the same to Mr. H. Grinnell at his residence last evening -  He signified his willingness to receive & disburse the fund $2,500.  To-day I called on him.  He is preparing his opinion of the proposition I now have made as indicated in this Book - I expect to start for Phila to-morrow noon - My friend, J.L. Douglas, loaned me $10.00 till
[[left margin]]
Penn RR         $10
Little M.       $ 3.50
Other RR          6.50
St Lawrence H     2.00
Total - 2        26.50
Donation         48.50
[[/left margin]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
my arrival Home which will be Monday or Tuesday next.  Mr. J.B. Kitchen Agt. Ericsson ^[[engin]] has loaned me $25.  This I obtained of him at 2 several times  1st $10 - then $15.  Total $25.
[[left margin]]
Donation by Deduction in the Bills for the Course
Little M. Pennsylvania R.R.s to Phila $17.00  
$4 {S.B. Fare to & from N London
$3.50 French
$2.00 {St. Lawrence Hotel Phila
[[line across left margin]]
Passage N.Y. to Phila        3.00
Carriage on                  1.50
St. Lawrence Hotel           2.50
Sledge to Depart              .25
[[?Morngahale]] Hotel        2.00
50 + 50 + 25 + )
[[left margin]]
Statement of Receipts & Expenses
Expense at Columbus, Ohio                      .75
Fare on 2 Roads to Pitts                      5.00
Expenses Phila                                4.50
N.J.R.R. to N.Y.                              3.00
French Hotel Rooms & board                    2.25
New London 1st Day & night                    1.75
 "     "   one week                           7.75
{Metro [[?liton}
Horse & sleigh; [[?Gedion]] VA to Starry's    3.00
Ferry                                          .25
Paper, pens, sacks Postage                     .55
Washing $1.50  Car Riding $1 =                2.50
Capt Quayles                                  2.13
French 7.75 + $9.72 =                        17.47
Sundry =                                      1.91 = $52.81 Whole expense after deduction of Books
= =                                         $11.00    11.00
                                             63.81 =  63.81
Cash on hand                                  8.19

On Feb 8th I Borrowed of Dr. Daniels when I left Home } =  $15.00
Recd of [[space]] of Phila Advertising a/c            }     20.00
J.B. Kitchen (Borrowed)                                     25.00
Douglas J.L. (   "    )                                     10.00
Recd. of Bartholf's sewing machine Agt in settlement  }
of $8 a/c                                             }      2.00

Total Cost     52.81

Parry's 2d Voyage          $3.50
La Perouse (2 vols)        $3.50
Crantz (Greenland 2 vols   $2.00
Ellis N.W. Passage         $2.00