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Wednes. Mar. 21/60
Saw Dr Daniels - & Mr Forer son of Peter Forer of Washington.  Before leaving the U.S I must see Peter Forer - Probably no one in this country is better prepared for discussing Arctic matters - of entering into all the merits & demerits of the various expeditions that have penetrated to the North than he.  His library is said to embrace a larger & more select collection of Arctic Works than any other in America.  I must form an acquaintance with that library.  I may find ^[[in it]] many friends ready to entwine their kindly arms around my [[underlined]] Northern [[/underlined]] heart. -  By the way - Dr. Daniels, I think, will be a contributor to the New Franklin Expedition.  At any rate so strong is my belief, I shall take him as such till otherwise ordered.
Thurs Mar 22/60
Confined to my room by severe cold taken on the sleeping car running bet. Steubenville & Cin. O. - Paid dear for the whistle - 50 cts. for the privilege of riding parallel with T Rail - of being terribly shaken^[[ [[underlined]] sans ceremony [[/underlined]] ]] without a particle of clothing
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for covering.
Friday Mar 23/60
Recd. letter from H. Grinnell, Esq. of N.Y. - also a pamphlet from him by Dr. King of Eng. on the subject of sending out a Boat Expedition to Estuary of Great Fish or Back River. He informs me of a meeting set for Thursday Eve 22d Mar. for raising funds for Hays' Ex.
Still confined to ^[[my]] room - am reading attentively lessons in Navigation.
Sat. Mar 24/60
Yet am compelled to keep to my room - Hope soon to be out - Have much work on my hands.  Continue my navigation.
Sunday 25/60
Recd N.Y. papers of Friday 23d. wh. report proceedings of meeting of Geographical & Statistical Society held at Historical Society Rooms for raising funds for Dr. Hayes.  I see my good friend Grinnell has been appointed