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showed also that this [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] was one of
their [[underline]] steady places of resort[[/underline]] - "O-wut-tu"
[[circled]] 4222 [[/circled]] [[circled]] 423 [[/circled]]
6th Morn sighted Cape Isabella marks of a man [[?]] seal

Set out 69 [[degree symbol]] 15' 46" N 
Sun 6th 95 [[degree symbol]] 13   6  W
[[bracket on right side of both sentences above]] incomplete [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]

[[From?]] 7  [[Monn?]] encamped (having traveled 14 miles
69 - 20' 37" N
94   31  55  W
[[bracket on right side of both sentences above]] Catherine Islands
Innumerable tracks Rein deer

" [[Ditto for: [[From?]] ]] 8 Mon. Reached and encamped on the ice 7 miles from Nei-tyel-le - had been highly favored in the northern [[circled]] 425 [[/circled]]
 [[We?]] sought Esq whose foot steps were every where visible
[[Remchard?]] Islet when [[Muss?]] was to deposit provisions - shrouds of Esq. was [[f?]] by the Esq. & 2 more but seal blubber & 30 fish when's [[?]] OO-grov-lik?  [[circled]] 427 [[/circled]]

The abundance of provisions provided by turns by the Esquimax to [[insertion]] Comm. [[/insertion]] Ross & [[?]] at E-nook-Shu-Liy.  dogs supplied with food.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

May 17th, 1830 [[insertion]] ^ Comm. Ross [[/insertion]] started from Victoria Harbour
" [[ditto for: May]] 19th Reached Western Sea Cape Isabella
" [[ditto for: May]] 21 [[insertion]] ^ Reached [[/insertion]] river Garry principle fishing station of [[insertion]] the [[E.S.W?]] [[/insertion]]  
[[strikethrough]] Sun [[/strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: May]] 22 Reached North E. Coast Matty Island (Really travelled in the night of 22d ^ arrive M.S. morn of 23) & (See [[?]] [[insertion]] NW [[/insertion]] "Beverley Island")
[[circled]] 409 [[/circled]]
Sun 23d encamped west coast Matty Island had seen tracks of partridges, bears, hares & foxes
" [[ditto for: May]] 24 Cape Abernathy 3 hours crossing to from Matt Island Reached cape [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]  [[?]]
" [[ditto for: May]] 25 Cape [[Bannerman?]] 
" [[ditto for: May]] 26 & 7 Port Parry found storm huts by the [[native?]] not long before wh. appeared to have been occupied 
27 Cape Stanley [[circled]] 414A [[/circled]]
28 [[strikethrough]] cape [[/strikethrough]] Richardson Bay  Left here every thing they could spare [[curly bracket]]
29 Cape Felix - 12 days from ship