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This southern land was traced from N to S. for about 460 miles & found barricaded by a high ledge of ice on wh. a heavy surf was beating; so that landing was impossible except on some small islands wh. consisted of igneous rocks
Polar Region   Sirly Brit
[[encircled]] 181 [[/encircled]]

In apraising the [[situation?]] Richarden says - [[underline]]"Polar Regions"
[[/underline]] -- This little embraces the Antarctic as well as the Arctic Seas and Lands; but we mean to confine ourselves mainly to the North Polar Regions wh. Cold & inhospitable as they are have witnessed many of the most strenuous and masterly efforts of British Seaman placed under circumstances of [[strikethrough]] the most [[/strikethrough]] extraordinary trial & privations.

[[upside down numbers]]
23 1/2
66 1/2

[[in margin]]
See if at any time Karin's Thermometer marked -60° when sen at 81° Lat mus[[?]] +36°
[[/in margin]]