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La Perouse
Siebel 1 Aug. 1785

La Perouse

Sailed from Brest  August 1, 1785
Anchored at the Island of Madrimin [[guess]]  " [[ditto for August]] 13
Sailed from " " [[dittos for island of Madrimin]] ' [[ditto for August]]  16
Anchored Teneriffe " [[ditto for August]] 19
Sailed from :  [[ditto for Teneriffe]] 30 
Croped [[guess]] Equitorial [[insert]] Line [[/insert]] 18ยบ West of Puriss [[guess]] Sept 29
Anchored Bert Island St. Catherin and Court [[guess]] Brazil Nov 6
Sailed from St. Catherin and " " [[dittos for Court Braxil]] " [[ditto for Nov.]] 19
Doubled Cape Horn [[guess]] January 25, 1786
Sailed from Conception Bay in Chili Mar 17
" " [[dittos for Sailed from]] Easter Island where spent 1 day Apr 8
Sighted Owhyhee Sandhurst Isl [[guess]] where then
[[?]] cook mens killed May 28
Saild from Owhyhee  June 1
Visible from the decks Mt. St. Sline [[guess]], Behring's [[guess]], " [[ditto for June]] 23
Anchored Port des Francais July 4
2.1 [[squiggly bracket]]
Came near bring but here by strong flood tide
Two boats crew of 21 men lost line sounding
The propage [guess] into the bay - the officers having discarded from instructions - upset in the surf - July 13 [[/squiggly bracket]]
Sailed from this port des F_____  July 30 
Survey coast of Americas to [[underline]] Monterey [[/underscore]] Cal where Sep 2/5