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In Sept [[insertion]] alone [[/insertion]] 1846 Dr Rae Repulse Bay procured 63 Deer. 172 [[plasmigan?]] & 116 salmon
A.S.L. small Blue Book [[encircled]] 61 [[/encircled]] (1850.1.2)
"Arctic Searching Expedition"

Sir John Ross unheard of for 41 years & some months (tho [[?]] at a greater distance from positions after visited by the whalers than 250 miles) 61

Dr Wm Scoresbys reference to the 41 Russians [[insertion]] except one [[/insertion]] who lived 6 years on the Island of Spitzbergen in [[encircled]] 14 [[/encircled]] 1723 - 4 5 -6 - 7 - 8 - [[encircled]] 62 [[/encircled]]

Of 103 vessels wrecked in Melville Bay not more than 10 lives lost [[encircled]] note 63 [[/encircled]]

Buer relates that a Walrus hunter on the rocks of Nova Zembla caught in a few hours 30000 [[?]] Lemmings [[encircled]] 64 [[/encircled]] [[de?]]

Capt Penny saw enormous numbers of whales running southward [[underlined]] from under the ice [[/underlined]] - see [[?]] of whales holding their breath 10 to 20 minutes &c 
[[encircled]] 66 [[/encircled]] [[de?]]

BARENTZ on [[insertion]] the day of [[/insertion]] his death declared that had he sailed midway between S. & N.Z. he would have been able to reach the North Pole Sea. 70 Little B. Book

Where ice can float a vessel can float also. 
[[encircled]] 71 [[/encircled]]

Distance say to Spitz - N.Z. &c &c [[encircled]] 71 [[/encircled]]

Screw-Steamer would reach 80° [[?]] Spitz & N.Z. 5 miles an hour in 17 Days [[encircled]] 71 [[/encircled]]

A passage Bet. [[insertion]] (Mid-point) [[/insertion]] Spitzbergen & N.Z. [[near?]] fairly attempted
[[encircled]] 71 [[/encircled]]

Novia Zemblia [[as?]] seen & surveyed by Admiral Lüttke in [[?]] voyage 1821 to 1824 
[[encircled]] 72 [[/encircled]]

Mar. Apr. May The time not June July & Aug to [[?]] the Arctic Sea [[encircled]] 72 [[/encircled]] & [[encircled]] 73 [[/encircled]]

No floating ice ever seen to reach North Cape 68 
Little Blue Book
No more trouble in pushing thro the ice bet. Nova Zembla & Spitzbergen then in Davis Straits Lancaster [[Strikethrough]] Sound [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Straits [[/insertion]] 6c
[[encircled]] 68 [[/encircled]]

During Winter [[?]] to North Polar Sea better than any other time [[encircled]] 68 [[/encircled]]
Good reasons [[encircled]] 69 [[/encircled]]

- Wrangell & Anjou selected the Winter months [[encircled]] 69 [[/encircled]]
- Found open water [[insertion]] (Wide immeasurable ocean) [[/insertion]] to the North of the Coldest region of the known Earth 69

Mar & April Coldest at Bear or [[Cherry?]] Island [[encircled]] 70 [[/encircled]] [[de?]]
Mr Barentz saw open Sea North of Novia Zembla in mid winter [[encircled]] 70 [[/encircled]]
1596 July 7 reached N.Z. 
[[?]] 263 ago  70
[[strikethrough]] Barentz [[/strikethrough]]

Capt Penny 23 May reported [[underlined]] open water [[/underlined]] up Wellington Strait commencing about 70 Miles N.W. by N. of Cape [[Hotham?]]
- Capt Austin reported he could not send proper party with Boat to explore [[encircled]] 28 [[/encircled]] Arctic Searching Expedition 
1850 - 1 - 2  my Blue Book

100 Miles up said Channel from Cape Riley Penny found ice [[rather?]] 30 to 40 miles further north he arrived to [[underlined]] open water [[/underlined]] as far as the eye could [[strikethrough]] reach [[/strikethrough]] see teeming with [[underlined]] animal life [[/underlined]]. Saw birds [[?]] seals & porpoises This was 17 May. The 1st bird seen Cape Riley Lat 74°- 40' 1st Bird 2d June. [[encircled]] 35 [[/encircled]]

Pim wishing to proceede to Siberia with simply a Companion & servant (10000 Miles) to search for Franklin [[encircled]] 42 - 3 [[/encircled]] [[de?]]

Com. McClintock on his long journey by sledge to [[Mclodle?]] Island said he could have procured enough food provided he had means of [[cooking?]] it [[encircled]] 60 [[/encircled]] Note