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[[margin]] Monday 1860 
Aug 13 [[/margin]]

pain - my right hand, as I looked at it, was all blackened over with powder. The men at 1st thought from the report that I had shot at a seal ^ [[or walrus as they were numerous in the bay adjoining us]]. They soon found that I was in trouble & ran toward me. The only injury I received was at length [[underlined]] happily determined [[/underlined]] to be: powder shot into the skin on my forehead & around my right eye, & into my hand - that the Ball had not touched me! [[underlined]] I thanked God then & there, that He had preserved me! [[/underlined]]
I had incautiously left the hammer on the Cap & also left the cover of the leathern case. [[strikethrough]] fastening [[/strikethrough]] in which I carry it, [[underlined]] unfastened [[/underlined]]. A bird of rare kind had a few minutes before been near me, & wishing to secure it for ^ [[ a ]] specimen, I had purposely ^ [[ put ]] the pistol in readiness for ^ [[ immediate ]] use. The bird had, however, departed & I had forgotten ^ [[ to ]] secure the Revolver against accident. [[strikethrough]] I [[?]] this [[/strikethrough]]
^[[ The hammer of ]] the pistol in dropping [[strikethrough]] was a [[/strikethrough]] struck against a rock which threw it back & thus the explosion. This is seen to be the way by the [[? abrasion]] of the top of the hammer. 
I errected a monument of stone ^ [[ over the spot ]] in commemoration of the event & ^ [[ of ]] [[underlined]] the goodness of God & thus preserving me [[/underlined]], after which I proceeded to examine the rocks there & in the vicinity. 
Wherever I go, the fallen [[ruins?]] of Mountains struck me in the face. I am astonished at the evident rapidity in which mountain sides & tops are being [[strikethrough]] [[scalled?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] to pieces. 
One thing ^ [[that]] [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] struck me with surprise was the ^ [[square]] pillars of stone standing out by themselves the stratas of which were completely separated so that one could take them off, one by one, as leaves of paper. Some were 1 inch thick, some 1/4 - 1/2 - 2 in & others 6 inches thick. 
The most remarkable quartz vein I ever saw is upon this "Point Look Out". For several rocks [[underlined]] it is as straight as a line [[/underlined]]. Its dip is 60° (top Northerly bottom 90 ^ [[4th?]] runs N.N.W & S.S.E. ([[?]]) 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick. [[strikethrough]] It is [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] [[?]] from it bears S.E. by E. true. Smith and Rogers Island leaves S.S.E. 5°E  that is 30° ^ [[ (27'' 30') ]] E from S ([true])
The entrance to the Buddington Inlet & its general continuation is N. by W. (true)