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Tuesday, Aug. 14th, 1860

This A.M. I took the little Boat (called a "Dinkey") [[strikethrough]]I[[/strikethrough]] & put in my instruments for determining the Latitude by double Altitude of the Sun [[strikethrough]]a for[[/strikethrough]] & the Variation of the needle. [[strikethrough]] Median [[/strikethrough]] North-American Median line. I paddled to a point of land South of this. Before arriving to a result for final record, I intend to report the observation the 1st from days Meridian.
This afternoon I again took a Boat ride to Point Look out for the object of gathering geological specimens.
there is a remarkable pile of rocks at this point which I would like to describe but my ability entirely would fail to do it. [[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] They consist of mica, quartz & felspar. Suppose you had the 2 last in a stock as easily to be worked as putty & that with this you should build the most uncouth figures leaving spaces between & then should cast mica & quartz - mica far predominating - into the [[strikethrough]] uncruth [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] filling them all up. Now there would have the appearance of these rock with this exception, that Ages & ages should be added to cut out deeply the mica & quartz, leaving the ^ [[ pure ]] quartz veins almost unaffected.
At 3 1/2 o'clock P.M. I returned to the House which I described in my yesterday's report. It is now Completed - ready for occupancy.
The roof is thus [[illustration of a gabled roof]]. After placing joice as you see the diagram, Sails were placed over them & over this a Coat of tar. We started from [[House?]] [[(on ships?]]) at 3 1/2. After getting underway Mate Larmb exclaimed "Sail, O." Turning my eyes toward the entrance where we came in - [[strikethrough]] South [[/strikethrough]] west side [[Boying Island?]] -- I saw the ship which Mr. Lamb said was the [[strikethrough]] T [[strikethrough]] [["Georgiana?"]], Tyson Martin. One of the Boats ^ [[M Ruyare]] turned at once -- & pulled away to meet the new comin. "[[?]]" belongs to the same House as the "George Henry" & "Rescue".
We came on [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] & arrived at the vepel in 40 minutes having pushed over to the place where I was at noon to get my apron or Marine glass which I had laid up on the rocks when making my observations The tide was within a few inches of the glass & fast rising. So I was quite fortunate!
The [["Georgiana"?]] having a firm breeze from the Southeast Came in a short time after my arrival. At 5 o'clock Capt. Buddington visited Capt. Tyson & [[^]] at [[/^]] 5 1/2 [[^]]o'clk[[/^]] Capt T. returned in company [[^]]with[[/^]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Capt. Bu