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[[margin]] Tuesday 1860
Aug 14 [[/margin]]

Captain Allen. Having formerly ^[[ (last winter) ]] met Capt. Tyson in New London, I was therefore some accquainted with him. I was pleased to meet him again. He is from the North-[[King?]] - where he has been since [[blank space]] He has three whales 130 [[barrells?]]) He remains here for the fall whaling & returns to winter at the North soon as the ice [[weakens?]]
The three Commanders Capt. Buddington, Capt. Allen & Capt. Tyson are now in the the Cabin tutting over whaling matters in particular & other things in general. Sociable times indeed! There are now four vessels here in Harbor George Henry 301 tons 29 officers & men Rescue 95 tons a [[?]] conducted by [[sum?]] officers & men - "Black Eagle" 311 Tons 28 officers & men. "Georgianna" 200 tons, 22 officers & men making 79 men ^[[ of the vessels]] total - myself making 80
By him I learn that Capt. Christopher Chapel ^[[ of ]] "Siren Queen" & his brother of [[blank space]] have gone up Hudson Straits intending to winter at Repulse Bay. Capt. Christopher Chapel invited me to go with ^[[ him ]] to Repulse Bay from New London.

Wednesday, Aug 15, 1860

This morning I [[paid?]] a visit to Capt. Allen on board his vessel the "Black Eagle". After spending some time with him (during which he showed me his guns, rifle etc) I introduced [[strikethrough]] to him [[/strikethrough]] the subject of my visit which was: to see if I could not make arrangements to have his chronometer watch to carry with me on my voyage to King Williams Land. I told him of the importance of my having it as I was unfortunately ^[[ here ]] without anything in shape of a time piece save a common watch. This chronometer watch of Capt Allen's is one he has with him but without any special use while here at the North as he has a good Ship's Chronometer. I told the Captain that I had nothing wherewith I could pay him for it unless it was that of a portion of my outfit. I told him ^[[ that ]] Capt Buddington would go security