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Wednesday 1860
Aug 15 
While on board the Black Eagle I noticed one of our sailor boys trying his hand at the management of an Esquimaux's Kyack. These are made for carrying only one. Young Smith for that, his name seemed to have complete control over the Kyack but at last he lost his balance & over he went head down & Kyack up!
Fortunately help was at hand in a few moments. Fright & a change of clothing [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] were [[/insertion]] the result of this as well as a shower of sport to the whole ship's company. 
This evening later - line & Sextant in hand I visited the shore to get the angle of the height of the [[insertion]] Water [[/insertion]] falls that are close by where we are anchored. I have from time, time got various parties to give me their opinion of the height of these falls. Capt. [[strikethrough]] thinks [[/strikethrough]] thought they were 350 feet [[insertion]] high [[/insertion]], Capt Allen 300 - Smith 100 - myself 200 & Stenny 500. I find them to be by measurement
After getting the angles of measurement, accompanied by Mr J.U. Avelin of the "Black Eagle", I took a walk up a ravine running Westward. Having a person [[insertion]] as a companion [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] with us [[/strikethrough]] who is intelligent & of studious habits seeking to accquire all the knowledge [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] he can makes it very agreeable to me. We probably travelled 6 miles although it was 8 o'clock eve when we started. 
This Walk - the Cliffs on each side - the lakelets - the path 1 rod in length - it seeming luxury to use [[insertion]] The dogs [[/insertion]] The return - 10 o'clk - Visit to the tents - The Cheerful Camp. Esquimaux women chewing tanned skins for Boots & Mittens. Stenny finished the Windlass. Readings to learn for "New Gum[[?]]-uke"