Viewing page 14 of 184

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[[top left quarter, page vertical]]
[[strikethrough]] Og-many book [[/strikethrough]
[[?]] ^[[24]] from entrance to Brodington-?
next side

Bevward Bays

[[page turned 90 degrees clockwise]]
5 o'clock AM of 16th
I was [[?]] a morn
at the most heard of he
saw any Islands east,
With my [[?]] small
Island - he said he
saw only one at the
hoard of its
[[?]] [[hulm?]] [[ctahwol?]]
that was all
he cared about it.

[[page turned vertical]]
The day embarking
[[sidenote]] Vessel swinn sng
All hands called of at 3 6'oclock
The 3 [[earls?]]
exception of "Ice berg Sand films
3 east of North Yoreland
A first Shown 1 1/2 o'clock
Monitoring complete on a Ice-berg
Bing bay
Towing off with Berg Bay Rain-bow?

[[bottom left corner, rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise]]
300 feet high
Aug 16/6C

[[top right corner]]
Sing-nee-in Burgy Bay
South of [[?]] [[?]] Entrance
Aug 16th [[circled]] No2 [[circled]]
[[Page rotated 180]]
North 'H
[[?]]^[[13st]] E. + E by S.
The others little Isle
SE by E
[[B?]] Sound

[[bottom right corner, upside down]]
N by W [[strikethrough]]
W. by N.
North [[?]]