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Friday Aug 17 1860
[[three pages, two vertical and one horizontal placed on page]]

[[page 1, top left]]

[[page 2, top right]]

[[page 3, bottom]]

[[Start page 1]]
[Column 1]

The ^[[gray?]] whale feed for dogs
[[line across column]]

[]"Nowyera?]] - 3 game & no game! ^[[one crow by Sterry]]
[[line across column]]

Hot Ice-Berg
{Litns?] fashion rim
up! My Breath!
The Thousand ^[[& 1]] Island
Sterry Cook I fuel gatherer
 The dinner - Ducks ^[[Kunorow?]]
(Seals & visit Natives The game 

[[end column 1]]
[[Start column 2]]

& dogs are on Island
The last of the flour!!
[[Ngnat's?]] signboard ^[[after Capt B.]]
Natives going hunting 1 week 
I going - Running bullets till 11 at night.
Dividing crews all hands aboard the [[strikeout]] he [[/strikeout]] "George Henry"
getting ready for whaling
Eve air 37 °/ᵘ
Sterry's Rheumatism!

[[end column 2]]
[[end page 1]]
[start page 2]]

No 1
Started 3 o'clock ^[[AM]] Aug 17

[[line across page]]
1st American vessel the "Rescue" & "George Henry"
Capt B.

[[line across page]]
The general trend of land from Hall Island to [[Bense?]] Summit & thence the [[strikeout]] [[?]] [[/strikeout]] coast of the inlet up is N.W. by W.

[[line across page]]
The Ampithetson * [[foot note below at end of page]]
[[image: a flat-topped mountain or hill with other conical hills beyond]]
(South [[Side?]] Inlet)

[[line across page]]
Patches of snow on all the mountains in the North

[[line across page]]
The Pinnacle Ice Berg of 16th

[[line across page]]
*"French Head"-thus named after death A. Frenchman Mar 17-1861

[[end page]]
[[start page 3]]
[[start column 1]]

Aug 17 continued
Spitzbergen ^North!
Last night quiet waters
This morning all the strong
wind from the N, W roll
no swells.
"Nyet" piloting
Charles run to the top of
the foremast. [[?]]
[[illegible line of writing]]
[[illegible line of writing]]
do not [[? ? ?]] his
want tell him [[? ? ? ?]]
& then [[?]] out!
Low coast north side
[[?]] ^[[?]] [[?]] VI 1/2" [[?]] ^VII [[?]]
The Boat of [[Georgiman?]]

[[end page 3, column 1]]
[[begin page 3, column 2]]

Ngats squaw is pilot to pilot to Rescue
The entertainment to the [[Georgiman's?]] 
Mr. Roach 3rd mate
Boat - A new Idea

Sterry's 1st shot 
at a "Nowyrn"
miss him - Said "it was
a hard call for him
If it had stretch 2 feet
further it would have fixed

8 o'clk AM
[[Landell?]] dog

VIII1/2 My Boat
Launched 1st time
& towed to the Rescue
Like a Duck!

IX Launched [[?]] [[?]]

Sterry & I hunting "Dinky"
The Rush rolled 2 Ducks
came near the [[repetion]] of Sterry sent