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Saturday 1860}
Aug 18}

I go on the hunting tucto (rein-deer) excursion with the expectation of faring as the Esquimaux do. I carry my rifle & ammunition my pocket Sextant Nautical Alminak compass & 12 Sea - biscuit expecting to be gone one week
I made Mgan a present to-day ^[[in presence & at [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] the suggestion]] of Capt. Budington of a beautiful ivory handled knofe of 3 blades which was donated to the Expedition which I represent by "Wayne & Sons" Main St. Cincinnati Bet. ^[[3rd]] 4th Sts.  Mgan is ^[[one of]] the most intelligent [[travellers]] - & the smartest in these regions - He is one of the natives that I expect to accompany me to King William's Land. Mgan was highly pleased with the gift I made him, exclaiming 'Que-en-e mik am-a-Su-et!' : I thank you a good deal - or, as they really intend: [[underlined]] I thank you a plenty! [[/underlined]] which is really equivalent to the civilization acknowledgement I thank you very much.
Mgan had 4 wives - how many pik-a-ninis ^[[(children)]] I know not. I have seen 3 of his wives & they appear to be good looking - the handsomest I mean of this people so far as I have observed. Really they are good looking - & capital workers too - will chew more ouk-juge, tuk-tue & [[underlined]] ui-wier(g)[[guess]] [[/underlined]] skins for Boots & mittens than any other natives of the same numbers!
To the above point I had written by 12 O clock (Meridian) when I was informed that Mgan had proved treacherous by leaving without me. This Morning Mgan came into the Cabin & asked Capt. B. for lead for Balls. Capt. B. turned to me & asked if I had any lead that I could spare Mgan. I immediately turned & gave him my bundle 5 lbs lead. This in addition to the valuable Knife I had presented him was an item of wealth to Mgan or base[[guess]] the fellow! I care not for the [[underlined]] trouble [[/underlined]] it has given me, but the proving false to the confidence I proposed in him is what deeply troubles me. From what Capt Buddington has often told me, I have been led to believe Mgan a likely Esquimaux