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Sunday 1860}
Aug.   19  }
The next morning [[insertion]] (29th May) [[/insertion]] Capt. C. went with me to make purchases? of my clothing outfit. His [[strikethrough]] service [[/strikethrough]], suggestions & advice were of the greatest service to me. Certainly his kindness & attention will ever be remembered with lively feelings of gratitude.
The Thermometer at noon [[insertion]] stood [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Stud [[/strikethrough]] in the Shade 60[[degree symbol]] - 4 hours after at 40[[degree symbol]] bring a change of 20[[degree symbol]]. This is far greater than before experienced in some time since leaving home. From 1 to 5 PM it rained.
Monday Aug 20th 1860
Then, this Morning 34[[degree symbol]] change in 10 hours 26[[degree symbol]] - A heavy [[insertion]] very heavy [[/insertion]] fog prevailed this morn. At VIII it dispersed. I transferred the dogs from [[insertion]] the island [[/insertion]] where the natives have their huts to one on wh. there is the carcas of a Whale. On this they will feast [[insertion]] twice [[/insertion]] daily & grow fat! The whale was captured by an English whaler 2 years ago & left in a place where it is covered when the tide is in. When tide is out dogs can feed. When tide rises the dogs can retire to either of 2 Islands as they may choose. My Boats crew for the removal of my dogs consisted of [[strikethrough]] 4 3 boy [[/strikethrough]] young Esquimaux, [[insertion]] 3 boys & [[strikethrough]] 1 girl [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] On-Kony OO-shu-tar & Cap-i-tuny & [[insertion]] a girl [[/insertion]] Kim-mi-lu. 
After the transfer I got myself in readings at IX o clk AM to go a-ducking among the 1001 Islands that lie around our harbor. The same crew as above accompanied me. Soon after leaving the ship a seal popped up his head right in wake of the Boat. One high look & down he went beyond my view or reach of rifle Ball. Stopping some 20 minutes to watch his re-appearance we were rewarded by seeing him too far off for capturing. On we went passing through this & that channel leading among the Archipellago around us. I made but one landing. While I took my double barrell gun & tramped arriving up a mountain to take a view up the Bay & Islands my Esquimaux crew remained