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Monday 1860
Aug. 20 
in the Boat. On my return all took a villainous smoke except myself. I would not have been the exception if gallantry had not dictated me to lend my pipe to Miss Kim-mi-lu who was as desirous of a smoke as the rest of her companions at the oars! What a ludicrous sight did these queer types of the Iron Race make each with pipe in their mouths & at the pulling heartily at the oars!
The following game is all I saw 1 seal 1 Duck 20 Snow bunttings. Through the same channels the other day I went with Stenny & we saw hundreds of ducks.
Mgan presented me with [[strikethrough]] a pair [[/strikethrough]] an excellent pair of Kum-minys (Boots) to-day, made by one of his nu-le-ang-a (wives). This, I suppose, is designed on his part to make restitution for the grievance of his the other day. A short time after this Ugan & his wife who had one infant at the back, came in. I took out my package of brass rings placed one on each of the babe's [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] smallest of its [[strikethrough]] little [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] tiny [[/insertion]] fingers, one on the finger of the wife, one on the finger of the [[underlined]] intended [[/underlined]] which "Mgan is bringing up, & selected 1 pair for each of his wives for doing up the hair.
An alliance is therefore established between Esquimaux Mgan & my humble self!
It is expected that Capt. B. & I with a suitable ship's company start soon with the Rescue on an excursion to Frobishers Straits.
After tea Capt. Budington, myself - Smith Stenny, Morgan & Baily took a Boat & went out a-ducking The wind was blowing fresh from the N.W. therefore we b[[?]] sail. Killed 5 ducks The spot was exciting. Tho not self-paying. Fire on six shot to killing 1 duck. In changing the sail (tucking) I lost my venerable hat - the one I punctured with a pike on which I raised A light in the air on top of the 1st Ice-berg I visited. Stenny proposed to have a shot at it but knowing him to be a good marksman that he would riddle it with his duck gun I begged him hold. 'Hold Macduff!'