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August 22 
Withal, she is handsome in the fullest extent of the epithet. I have with me on this Frobisher Strait excursion three Books. She saw them & [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] was anxious I should learn her their use. I went through the letters of the Alphabet. Her pronunciation of every ^[[one]] [[strikethrough]] letter [[/strikethrough]] was quite good. Then I read words, having her repeat after me. Her success was [[underlined]] American like. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] could do what she saw & heard & then done done. [[strikethrough]]
In a few months, Kok-en-zhuu ^[[would]] [[strike-through]] could [[/strike-through]] become quite proficient in conversing in our tongue, were proper pains taken in teaching her.
Kok-en-zhuu & her husband, Chi-men-a-chu, were invited to take up quarters in [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[our]] cabin this night, which invitation was thankfully accepted. Mate Gardiner gave up his berth for their accommodation.

I spread down my oil-cloth-coat for a bed, & covered them over with another. They are now in the arms of sleep.

I wish I had the talent to write down the scene presented on board the "Rescue" this P.M. & Eve - Ducks covered over with Ky-aks, Dogs, Esquimaux, Rein-deer skins, officers & men mingling & intermingling in this way - all wearing the face of happiness, save now & then, a terrible, Esquimaux dog fight! Mate Lamb, ^[[by the way - ]] was mixed in with a pretty little incident ^[[which I must relate.]] He was flying around from one end of the Rescue to the other in the performance of [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ships]] duty, when alas, he stepped [[underlined]] flatly & heavily [[/underlined]] on [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] a dog's tail! Goodness,! What a yelp! That dog commenced a regular game of [[??circumnavigations]] - running after [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[his dog-ship[[?]] ]] smarting tail! This set every body a laughing! For a long time this race continued, showing that, tho' mate Lamb is small in size & ^[[of low]] station yet, "when he's around - [[underlined]] he's some" [[/underlined]] - on a dog's tail!
Somehow in this ^[[Dog]] race, tail was always just so far a-head! Occasionally dog would greatly increase his speed (the smarts in his tail were probably the index of his speed) but tail always kept ahead - tho' [[strikethrough]] [[a]] [[/strikethrough]] * [[underlined]] little [[/underlined]] behind!
Not having but 2 hours sleep last night, I ^[[dive]] [[strikethrough]] [[get]] [[/strikethrough]] into my sleeping bag & berth early to-night. By the by, as usual, Culrus ** detain us, or we would have been in Nen-gum mi-ooke before night. As it is, we may be in by 12, midnight, or to-morrow morning.
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* This adjunct ^[[the tail]] [[strikethrough]] to a dog [[/strikethrough]] was. [[underlined]] extremely small [[/underlined]] for an Esquimaux dog!