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Saturday, August 25, 1860
This morning - Rain & Snow wh. continued through the day - The Barometer ^[[at noon]] [[underlined]] still higher [[/underlined]] 31.05! Thermometer 37[[degree symbol]].
Mgan, his nu-li-ang-a, Kun-ni-ti, & Ku-jes-se, all great travellers & intelligent Esquimaux were in the Cabin Office ^[[this morning]] where I do my writing. I went upon deck & invited Capt. Budington to come down [[strikethrough]] at the to below the [[/strikethrough]] into the Cabin. I then proceeded to question each of the Esquimaux named as to Frobisher Strait. Ku-jes-se had drawn a sketch chart at my elicitation. I had a chart too ^[[of Frobisher strait such a one]] as the geographerss of the present day believe to be correct. 
Kun-ni-ti was born at King's Cape of Fox. (discovered in 1631) She has been to Meta Incognito of Frobisher & all along the N. coast of said land wh., by her account, [[underlined]] is connected with the land lying N. of the water called Frobisher Strait [[/underlined]]! Of course, the names by which the civilized world knows the waters and places I mention, is unknown to the Esquimaux. But the Esquimaux's knowledge of the geography of their country is good, at least, among the most intelligent of their numbers.  
Kunjesse has been ^[[as he says,]] within sight of the land stretching from the land (we call Meta Incognito) to the main land. So of Mgan. As I run my pen along the Chart in ^[[Frobisher Strait]] showing them the tracks I intend to persue when I get up to about Longitude 72[[degree symbol]], they stop me [[strikethrough]] and say [[/strikethrough]] crying anyi! anyi! (No. No.) They then ^[[too]] hold up my hand moving ^[[it]] around till it connected ^[[with]] "Meta Incognito" then following ^[[S Easterly]] the North coast of this land till arriving to the channel leading into Hudson Strait, about longitude 67 1/2[[degree symbol]] N. Thence up Hudson Straits to Kings Cape. [[double underlined]] This makes Frobisher Strait a Bay! [[/double underlined]] 
After tea, Sterry and I took the Dinky-boat & went over to Whale Island to take a look at my Dogs. The 1st Dogs seen were Mgan's. They are a community by themselves while mine ^[[are]] another. It is true they meet in common to feast on the Whale at each ebb tide But when they retire our company goes to one Island while the other to another!