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Sunday, Aug. 26 1860
After breakfast boats out whaling.
Mountains South & S.W. ^[[partly]] covered with snow.
Had a conference with Ku-jes-se & Capt B. This [[strikethrough]] great [[/strikethrough]] great traveller & intelligent ^[[Esquimaux]] peremptorily declines to go this season - affirming that it is too late for my contemplated voyage. He says that he would have been willing to have gone a month or month & half ago - would be willing to accompany me next year, but declines on [[?]] of actual wish in starting so late.
Sterry is willing to go - but all in all the determination is that it is too late to go through this season.
Capt. B. is of the opinion that it is too late but kindly, nobly offers to co-operate in helping me off if I decide to go.
Thinking all is for the best I now decide to wait till [[strikethrough]] net [[/strikethrough]] next Spring, or Summer. In the mean time, shall do all I can to advance Geographical knowledge of the regions around here.
The old patriarch, Ar-tuck-pu-ru, visited us to-day. He is brother of the deceased Esquimaux Al-lo-kee.
I noticed a single Brass button ^[[ornament]] pendant from his skin sur-coat The device was a Bee with expanded wings. Motto [[underlined]] "Vive ut vivas." [[/underlined]]
A young man Esquimaux, whom our men title "Napoleon" from a resemblance in features to the likeness of 'Napoleon Bonaparte, comes aboard almost daily dress^[[ed]] up in a ^[[Blue]] military cost, minus tail, wh. has been ^[[raggedly]] torn off, with a row of big, brass buttons running over [[strikethrough]] ^[[each]] th [[/strikethrough]] each shoulder & down in front. The device on these buttons is 3 cannon on carriages with [[strikethrough]] device [[/strikethrough]] the crest of a Crown.
Another comical sight is ^[[the]] fat Esquimaux female who appears now & then among us, habitated in ^[[an old]] curtain calico ^[[dress]] over her native (skin) suit. This dress was brought here the last voyage of Capt B. in 1858.
The [[strikethrough]] row [[/strikethrough]] boat excursion to the "Look out Island" of Nen-jum-mi-uke. The Oo-mi-ak frame of a 1000 pieces locked to-gether with [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] whale-bone! Gathering a boquet! Find ^[[an]] oo-loo.& a Natural History Specimen -- a caterpillar which I brought home & placed in a box with glass cover - to wit ^[[in my]] Azimuth Compass Box! I intend to keep