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Wednesday }
August 29 }
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The result I hope to give to-morrow.

Immediately on canvassing this matter, Capt. B. sent for my boat, wh. was anchored off at some distance, for the purpose having her put in trim order.  Smith took charge it.  After all was complete Capt. B. myself & Smith took a Sail in her.  This beautiful craft proved herself of high merit both in model & appliances.  An hour before tea, Smith & I, accompanied by 2 of the George Henry's crew took my Boat, "Budington", for that is her name - so titled after Capt. Sidney O. Budington, my friend , to an island near by, for ballast.  Thence we pushed outside of the island into the open Bay.  A pretty Easterly breeze was blowing.  The Titrons never began to draw old Neptune in his Sea-shell Car at so fast a speed as was ours.  We came across mate Rogers & his Boat & crew.  Though his was under all sail, yet we sped bye him with flying colors.  In the distance, saw Gardiner & his men in their Sail Boat looking out for Whales.  When G. saw our craft & the way she flew upon the waters the 1st thought of his must have been: a meteor passing bye!

This morning I took the "dinky" & visited another of the 1001 Islands in our Bay.
One whale seen to-day & only one. 
Tempt. [[strikethrough]] up [[/strikethrough]] in sun 3 o'clock PM 90[[degree symbol]]! Shade 60[[degree symbol]].  This Eve 37[[degree symbol]]. Really for us the afternoons are getting hot!  Moon now rising in all its borrowed glory!