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[[strikethrough]] ! [[/strikethrough]] Sept. 4

on fire (he's always so when Whales are about) instantly commanded his boat to be in readiness.  A few moments before, Kujessee & his crew came up along side for ^[[their]] Breakfast - they were hurried off to the Whale ground, of course, without a moment's delay for breakfast or any [[strikethrough]] think [[/strikethrough]] thing else!  Just as ^[[the]] Captain's Boat was lowered, another Native crew was seen, a distance off, coming also for "[[scar - funi?]]".  A rapid Word from Capt B. brought them into his Boat in double quick time.  Away he went to look after the "Fast" Whale.  His arrival at the scene of Blood, the conflict & death's struggles of [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the [[strikethrough]] death [[/strikethrough]] Whale was in time. 
A short time after the Capt. left, I took into my head to go out upon an outer island & witness the fight [[strikethrough]] of [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] between a few men & one of the [[underlined]] "Great Whales," [[/underlined]] ^[[of the kind]] of God's creation on the fifth day of [[underlined]] Anno Mundi! [[/underlined]]  I [[underlined]] manned [[/underlined]] a Whale Boat by taking three Esquimaux ladies Kun-ni-u and the young man native  
As we got out a little way, looking S.E., saw the 5 boats (Capt B's ^[[made]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] the 5th) in a line.  It instantly occured to me they had the Whale in tow.  I turned my boat to meet the conquerers & the conquered!
[[strikethrough]] The purpose [[/strikethrough]]

    I concluded that a good act could be [[strikethrough]] [[do?]] [[/strikethrough]] done by our assistance in towing.  As I got to ^[[the]] head boat, setting to, got foul.  The invitation to take a middle birth - next to "Smith"'s got foul again!  The Capt. proposed to dispence with our assistance, the crew not being exactly the stuff for hard towing.  Our ride around the whale.  Flukes ahead! [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] his back toward China!  Start to return - got foul 3d time among the oars of Rogers Boat!  A Dillema! - & Many daggers both in words & looks!
Received some kindly words as we passed the towing Boats.  As we were about [[strikethrough]] cler cle [[/strikethrough]] clean of all "Myan ^[[(in head boat)]] undertakes to throw a line ^[[to my boat]] thus pressing an invitation hard upon us to take the lead in bringing to the "George Henry" a piece of property in the shape of a "Whale" worth about $4000.  As [[strikethrough]] [[the?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] words & looks [[/underlined]] had [[strikethrough]] gone [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] "touched the quick" [[/underlined]] of my soul, I thanked the complement & steered [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] for the "George Henry".
A strong Nor Wester was then blowing, the tide running & a heavy Sea!  Against these ^[[some]] [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] worked manfully & ^[[ [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] while others]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Womanly! [[/underlined]]