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Sept 5th
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A short time before noon, I took [[strikethrough]] Resolu [[/strikethrough]] ^[[my]] "Resolute" sextant (an excellent one
[[line drawn to circled note in upper margin]] Time has proved it otherwise Hall July 9/61 [[/line drawn to circled note in upper margin]]
by the way which came out of H.M.S. Resolute on bringing him into New London a few years ago) & went ^[[down]] to the shore to take a Meridianal observation.  As the Sun was ^[[still]] ascending ^[[in its course]] I know that I had to change my position a full dozen times running over piles of rocks, points jutting out into the Bay, ascending & descending cliffs, that I might have a good, unobscured horizon at Meridian.  The Eastern end of an island, a little way off, kept me on this continued change.  At last the time came, & I had a good observation which [[strikethrough]] resulted [[/strikethrough]] resulted in determining the Latitude of the harbor in which ^[[is]] the "George Henry", to be:  62[[degree symbol]]-59'-45" North
[[circled]] Not g abet[[?]] [[/circled]]

Sun's declination here Sept. 5th, 1860
6 [[degree]]-38'-52" - 4'02" = 6[[degree]]-34'-50" N.
Polar dist. [[underline]]90-00-00[[/underline]]
Sun's 96 [degree]-34'-50"
Altitude by Sex. [[underline]]33[degree]-24'-45"[[/underline]]
SemiDiameter [[underline]]----16'-60"[[/underline]]
Refraction, Pur. & Dif [[underline]]-----4'-10"[[/underline]]
62 [[degree]] - 58'-15"
Harbor N. of Place of [[underline]]Observation 1'-30"[[/underline]]
True Lat. N. 62 [[degree]]-59'-45"
Refraction 1'-26"
Purrulax (This should have been [[?]] 08"
Dif (7 feet Elevation) # [[underline]]2'-36"[[/underline]]

[[?]]: Observation Altitude 33[[degree]] 24' 45"
Corrected Pan. dif & Semidam. add [[underline]]13'-16"
33[[degree]] 38'-01"
Refraction Subtract [[underline]]-1 26[[/underline]]
True Altitude ---- 33 [[degree]]-36'-35"
Subtract from ---- [[underline]]90 00 00[[/underline]]
True Zenith distance = 56 - 23 -25
Sept 5th/60 Sun's declination --- [[underline]]6 34 50[[/underline]]
Nene-yum-mi-uke Harbor [[right brace]]
N.Y. Place of observation --[[underline]]----1'-30"[[/underline]]
Neu-yum-mi-uke Harbor 62 [[degree]]-59'-45" N.
for determining the Lat. of this place.

[Left margin sideways text] 
This observation ^[[& workings of]] entirely imperfect - Land [[strikethrough]] between [[/strikethrough]] behind the horizon - etc.
To be projected - out & out? Hall July 9/61

[[boxed]]See Sept. 12[[/boxed]]

This is but one observation^[[for determining the Lat. of this place.]]  I shall continue them as the weather will permit.  I will add that there are reasons that the above Lat. is not ^[[exact]].  At 2 O'Clock P.M I returned to the ship.  The whale had been exhausted of its Blubber & Bone all of which had been thrown down into the Hold.  The carcus - "Keany" & s^[[k]]eleton - had been towed by the natives to an island near by. 
After my dinner, I went over to the island to see & take notes.  A [[score?]] of the Esquimaux were at work with their huge knives cutting [[strikethrough]] off [[/strikethrough]] up the whale into  such ^[[huge]] slices as their wives could just carry. [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]].  Eating whale & working on whale was the [[order?]] of the Esquinmaux for the afternoon. Boat loads after Boat loads of ^[[Whale]] were carried over to the village, while deposition after deposition were made upon the numerous islands in the vicinity.  A God-send indeed had this oy-lig proved all around.  No none more so than to the natives - & - [[underlined]] my dogs! [[/underlined]] A fact worth mentioning:
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