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Friday  }
Sept 7  }
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Two whales were seen in the Bay to-day.  The prevailing fog was a serious obstacle to [[strikethrough]] [[them]] [[/strikethrough]] continuing [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] ^[[the]] chase ^[[for]] [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] them.

At VI O'Clock this eve, Rain accompanied by snow.  Thermometer 34° Barometer 29.150.  The prospect is of a continuance of this kind of weather through the night.  Wind S.E.  This AM. N.E.  - I will here state that independent of this journal I keep a ^[[Tri-Daily]] "Record" of the temperature of the Air, state of Barometer, Prevailing winds & weather.

Some Arctic Voyagers have stated that the Air here North is almost proof against rust of iron, & Steel.
So far as my experience & observations go, this is erroneous.  Cases in point: I am obliged to take out my ^[[rifle,]] guns & [[strikethrough]] P [/strikethrough]] Colt's Revolver every day, oil them, inside & out, & "wool them dry" to prevent rust.  Those who have fire arms aboard, find it impossible to stay the tooth of their enemy, Rust.  Every gun of the Esquimaux is eaten deep with Rust.  Everything of iron, & Steel is effected ^[[here]] with the same destroyer.  So has it been since leaving the States.  I doubt not however, that the air ^[[here N.]] has been unusually charged with moisture this season.  As I understand it, fogs prevail more extensively ^[[here]]  during a very open year, than when not so.  This year is a very open one; the Seas, Bays & harbors being entirely free from ice, save a few straggling Ice-bergs.

The fires of the Try-Works were put out at V o'clock, the indications of the approaching ^[[storms]] being unmistakable.

There is great confidence among all the Officers & men that another Og-big will [[strikethrough]] [[be?]] [[/strikethrough]] grace (or [[underline]] grease [[/underline]]) the Ship's deck with its Blubber, & [[strikethrough]] those [[/strikethrough]] before [[strikethrough]] that of [[/strikethrough]] the other is entirely out of the blubber Room!  Industrious, persevering men should be rewarded.  May the hopes & efforts of those aboard, prove availing, eminently so!

Transcription Notes:
Og-big, meaning whale.