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Monday Sept. 10th 1860
Clear Sun. True Amplitude 10"-24[[degree symbol]] N
Freezing weather last night & this morn - Ther. at VI = 32[[degree symbol]]
Boats out cruising for whales.
When Boat came in at Meridian reported having seen a strange Boat Eastward making this way.
Fifteen minutes after 12 Tessawin & crew (unknown Boat) came along side. They started yesterday from Oo-Kood-lear or "Kou-tuk jew-ak" habor as the little retreat is called where we laid. The number in the Boat was 11 among whom were some 4 female Esquimaux.
Tessawin the commanding Esquimaux brought a letter from Capt Allen. The essential part of it desired that Capt. B. should assist Tessawin in gathering skins among the native here for [[strikethrough]] boat [[/strikethrough]] boots stockings etc for his men as the natives were poorly supplied at and around Oo-kood-lean.
Probably the facts are Capt A has met with [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] ^[[no]] success in whaling there & he now, all in a round about friendly (?) way, takes this method to post himself up as to what the encouragement is in the new ground occupied by Capt. B.
It seems Capt B. is always the leader in occupying new ground - at least by American Whalers.
A short time ^[[after]] Tessawin came aboard, another boat from the same place have in sight proving to be one from Tyson's ship under command of the Frenchman the same one who tried to head Capt. B. in getting natives from here the time we came in to this Bay.
It will be recollected that the Frenchman returned without success save the hospitable & gentlemanly treatment he received
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1/4 of 4 Bill Tessawin examined by chart as to Kingaite He asserts from personal knowledge that it is connected with the main land there being simply a Bay between Kingaite & Knew-yum-mi-ook. Thus who can doubt that Frobisher Strait is like Cumberland Strait - a Myth! 

Transcription Notes:
Charles switches between using 'ss' and 'p', or a letter that looks most like a 'p'. (ex. Tessawin and Tepawin on this page.) How should we write this?