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record of the next day makes it that he landed upon one of the group called: "Upper Savage Islands". The narration says: [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]]
"From the top (on one of Upper S Is) we could see land [[underlined]] nearly all around [[/underlined]] the bay ^[[(North Bay)]]; [[dotted underlined]] but in the middle it was so distant, [[/dotted underlined]] [[underlined]] as by no means to give us an idea of its entire conti[[?]]ty". [[underlined]] [The undercoring is mine, Hall]
Now any one, even a child, can see the inconsistency of Parry when he states in the 1st quotation ^[[I have here made]] from his own words.
"Though there appeared to be several ^[[small]] openings, as if between islands, along this coast etc (near Saddle Buck & Middle Savage Islands) yet we saw none of any magnitude like that marked Jackman's Sound" etc.
and in the second
"From the top (I must repeat ^[[in part of]] it, H) of the hill (one of the Upper Savage Islands) ^[[H.]] we could see land nearly all around the Bay ("North Bay ^[[H.]])" etc
and then, thirdly & fourthly, Parry's summing up, on conclusions, as seen in [[strikethrough]] his [[/strikethrough]] the last four lines of the quotation on opposite page & in the last three (on dotted) lines of the quotation near top of this page makes the inconsistency palpable!
And to-day I have proof that is satisfactory to me (& I know it must be to others) that a channel does run down through where Parry [[underlined]] admits "there appeared to be several". [[/underlined]] It is narrow; & [[underlined]] dangerous [[/underlined]] of navigation on account of the violent current that goes through it with a [[underlined]] rush. [[/underlined]] The natives, really prudent in their movements on the waters, find no difficulty in running Oo-mi[[?]] & Kin, [[?]] through this no longer a passage of doubtful conjecture"!
But enough of this for now
A gale prevailed a short time last night. The mountains this morning ^[[were]] [[strikethrough]] are [[/strikethrough]] white with snow.
[[image - left margin drawing of hand with index finger extended pointing to right]]
[[right margin - red vertical line to bottom of page]]
{ I must here state that Tes-su-win has been to {"King's Cape" (of Fox)
{ has often seen the ships of the Hudson Bay Co as {they passed - & has 
{ time & again visited them in his kyack with {scores of other
{ Esquimaux in theirs. He says "Innuits" are few {now on "Kingaite" (Meta Incognita) almost