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Tuesday Sept. 18th 1860

The morning fair.  An hour before Meridian, went to an island for the purpose of taking an altitude of the Sun by Artificial Horizon.  Wind blowing strong from N.W.  Whale Boat rowed by Tu-nuk-de-lien, nuliana of Kujesse, & Shung-en-Zhung, nuliana of an Esq. titled "Charley".  They performed their work strongly & well.  When my Horizon was in [[reachings?]], I called Tu-nuk-de-lien ("the Belle of the North") to stand in my position & look downward.  She done so, & was highly elated at [[strikethrough]] the [[/striekthrough]] what she saw!  Again & again she stepped forward to see what she perhaps never had seen [[strikethrough]] saw [[/strikethrough]] before except in the mirrored waters, her own truthfully reflected image [[strikethrough]] [[!]] [[/strikethrough]] as thrown back by refined Murcury!
At the important moment when I wished the sun, it was obscured.  Another day may favor me better. Then for other Meridian observations.

Four boat's crews out cruising for whales.  None in at the usual dinning hour (12) - none in even up to 2 P.M.  It is thought a whale has been secured!  May it so prove.

I am on the improvement - tho slowly.  I may have made record that nearly 

[[left margin red vertical line]]

every one on board is effected with a cold.  Relative to the Natives, I know of no exception where one has not a bad cold & cough!  There seems to be a kind of prevailing enfluenza among us all.  Much damp weather of the season has probably been the cause of this.

[[/left margin red vertical line]]

Last night, I think, the coldest we have had.  Thermometer at VII this morning stood at 28[[degree symbol]]

AT 3 o'clock PM boats in.  Have been in pursuit of a whale which led them out about 25 miles. [[strikethrough]] or very [[/strikethrough]]  They report having seen three vessels, one probably the "Georgiana, Tyson Capt, from Oo-kood-lean-
3 1/2 O'clock [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] "Smith" up at the mast head announced "Georgian" nearly up the Bay.  A grand expression that if no whales are to be captured by the crews of the "George Henry" no whales shall be by others.  A good deal of "cussing" done by the men of the G.H. that Tyson should abandon the place left free for him to occupy & follow in the wake of Capt. Buddington.
One of the boat headers (Keeney) came near harpooning a rock for a whale this morning!  For a long distance he kept his eye on what he supposed to be a whale. - Saw his back & spoutings - The back was [[underlined]] a whale-like-rock [[/underlined]] - the spoutings [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] were heavy seas striking   

Transcription Notes:
nuliana is "wife" winga is "husband"