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Sept. 18
upon this rock & ^[[shooting]] [[strikethrough]] flying [[/strikethrough]] upward in spray! These mistakes are frequently made.
Some few years ago a whaler, "St. Andrew" of Aberdeen ^[[Scotland]] lowered 6 boats ^[[at Disco Greenland]] for what they thought to be a whale - It proved to be a rock. It is quite unnecessary to add: the rock proved [[underlined]] invulnerable. [[/underlined]] Suffering nothing whatever from the numerous irons through [[underlined]] at ^[[it]] [[strikethrough]] its back [[/strikethrough]] ! [[/underlined]]
Charles Reed, a Scotch whaler ^[[some two years ago]] actually pulled hard up [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] along side of a whale - shot his harpoon-gun, fair & square toward it; but unfortunately for him & the owners of his craft, it proved [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[only]] [[underlined]] a whale of a rock! [[/underlined]]
Capt. B. & some of his boat's crews were deceived in a similar manner during their last whaling voyage ^ [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough[[ at the head of Northumberland Inlet.
At 5 o'clock "Georgiana" sailing finely (under all sail) just on thi opposite side the small islands enclosing us in harbor.
Her distance from us could not exceede 3 miles as she passed along up. A few minutes after 6 she turns N.E. to pop into our harbor between two small islands. All eyes of the "George Henry" are fixed anxiously upon her, the prayers of many ^[[being]] alas too many! - That she would run upon rocks & thus bring her to a wreck!
AT VI 1/4 (Eve) exactly, while going 3 to 4 knots an hour the "Georgiana" was pinnioned upon a shallow island of Rocks! I saw it all; & while I felt for the officers & crew of that ship - while I felt the [[underlined]] loss [[/underlined]] of a noble ship of her cargo - of her all to the house of Williams & Haven others, all around me, seemed to dance for joy! O the heart of man - of men - as they pursue [[strikethrough]] [[?]]ects as they [[/strikethrough]] their beings in competition to others. Self seems ^[[often]] the God independent of all consciousness of the Christian, on the [[underlined]] humane [[/underlined]] rights of others.
How solictious I watched every movement of the "Georgiana". Her bow was raised some 4 feet [[strikethrough]] high [[/strikethrough]] higher then her stern. The tide had still 4 to 5 feet to [[strikethrough]] rise [[/strikethrough]] rise. This was favorable. A boat was seen to carry a line to an island lying to the windward of the "Georgiana" - shortly the windlass was agoing. From appearances (tho' increasing darkness made it difficult to decide deffinitely) the "Georgiana" was in a sinking condition!
The tide was still rising & yet the stern appeared to be getting deeper & deeper This was a point noticed by nearly all on board the G.H.
Ten minutes of VII - The Georgiana floated, making my heart joyous!