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Thursday Sept. 20th 1860
I have but little to say to-day - or nothing I can say but little on etc up my poor health. Most of the day I kept in my birth. I trust, with God's blessing, I shall soon regain my wanted health. I am living upon simple gruel - Indian meal & water - & shall so continue till I get my stomach all right.
The boats have been out all day - One whale seen. Our crews landed during the day on "Look Out Island" where they met the boats & crews of the "Georgiana". High words & deep seated venom were the result. A War - [[underlined]] of words [[/underlined]] - rages! Capt. B. during the morning sent the Cook & Steward to the "Georgiana" inviting [[strikethrough]] him to [[/strikethrough]] Capt. Tyson to visit the "George Henry". The invitation was declined on the score of "Indisposition". 
[[underlined]] "The Whale Bone" [[/underlined]] seems the mater of contention. Who has not heard of the War of the Roses? - What a queer record if there should be as serious a War  - "War of the Whale Bone"! The fair sex of all creation would e^[[n]]list in this contest as nothing goes to make up [[underlined]] show [[/underlined]] in ^[[the]] women of civilization as this article.
Friday, Sept 21st 1860
A sleepless night of it! But my feeling on that: God's ways are all for the best: that
"E'en Crosses from His sov'reign hand
are blessings in disguise."
I was up at 4 o'clock. The Eastern sky was lit up in golden hue. The Sun more midst silence of Nature - [[?]]o[[?]] a breath of air disturbed the mirror waters.
By 1X ^[[AM]] the Heavens were in gloom. A storm seems at hand.
"Mgar" has at last played out his deceptive, ungenerous game. He has met his [[?]]round & Capt B, having taken away the boat kindly loaned to him. Mgar had charge of a boat's crew of natives. But he was independent & sullen notwithstanding the overwhelming kindness of Capt. B. Five whales seen to-day! And yet none captured! To-night a gale prevails accompanied by snow. Capt. B this AM visited Capt. Tyson "Georgiana". Got ^[[N.Y.]] papers of him one day later then our sailing. They came up in the Pioneer a vessel from same house W. & H. wh. sailed one week later [[?]] we